Information Operations

(Mis)Information Operations: An Integrated Perspective


The massive diffusion of social media fosters disintermediation and changes the way users are informed, the way they process reality, and the way they engage in public debate. The cognitive layer of users and the related social dynamics define the nature and the dimension of informational threats. Users show the tendency to interact with information adhering to their preferred narrative and to ignore dissenting information. Confirmation bias seems to account for users’ decisions about consuming and spreading content; and, at the same time, aggregation of favored information within those communities reinforces group polarization.

Testing the Importance of Information Control: How Does Russia React When Pressured in the Information Environment?


Applying big data and sentiment analysis to TASS reporting and 15 years of Russian Foreign Ministry documents, this paper tests the importance Moscow places on information control. By comparing the Russian government’s responses to four categories of foreign policy tools— diplomatic, information, military, and economic (the DIME construct)—this research finds that Russia reacts far more negatively to information tools than to military, diplomatic, or economic tools. 

Israeli Defense Forces’ Information Operations 2006-2014 Part 1


This article series examines the evolution of the Israeli Defense Forces’ Information Op- eration (IO) activities during an eight-year timespan from 2006 to 2014. The case study shows a change in the Israeli Defense Forces’ activities in the information domain. It also shows that, while battles can be easily won in the physical domain of the battlefield through superior firepower, the battles in the information domain are much more complicated and require much more diverse and complex means to achieve victories. The first part of the article series describes the framework and methods of the study and two military operations conducted in 2006 and 2008-2009. 

Israel Defense Forces’ Information Operations 2006-2014 Part 2


This article series examines the evolution of the Israel Defense Forces’ Information Operation activities during an eight-year timespan, from 2006 to 2014. To this end, the case study shows a change in the Israel Defense Forces’ activities in the information domain. It also shows that, while battles can be easily won in the physical domain of the battlefield through superior firepower, the battles in the information domain are much more complicated and require much more diverse and complex means to achieve victories. The first part of the article series described the framework and methods of the study and two military operations conducted in 2006 and 2008-2009.

Israel Defense Forces’ Information Operations 2006-2014 Part 3


This article series examines the evolution of the Israel Defense Forces’ Information Operation activities during an eight-year timespan from 2006 to 2014. To this end, the case study shows a change in the Israel Defense Forces’ activities in the information domain. It also shows that, while battles can be easily won in the physical domain of the battlefield through superior firepower, the battles in the information domain are much more complicated and require much more diverse and complex means to achieve victories.

Social Media and Information Operations in the 21st Century


Modern military operations continue to be extraordinarily susceptible to the effects of cyber-based Information Operations (IO).  Within social media lies the ability to gain a clearer perspective of the 21st-century battlefields, enabling rapid and informed decision making and decisive action by commanders and their staffs. This paper discusses emerging trends, threats, and concepts that are being employed by numerous actors around the globe to gain positional advantage both internal and external to the cyberspace domain.

An Analysis of the Social-Media Technology, Tactics, and Narratives Used to Control Perception in the Propaganda War over Ukraine


Framed by the historic 2013-2015 conflict in Ukraine—widely described by Western media as a ‘Cold-War’-style clash between the Russian Federation and the United States/NATO alliance—this qualitative case study examines how social media was used as a platform for propaganda warfare waged by clandestine bloggers and special operations commandos (known as trolls) deployed worldwide by state and non-state actors, and digitally linked and informed by data-mining, to manipulate public perceptions of the events by controlling an element of rhetoric known as narratives.

Information War and Rethinking Phase 0


In the Department of Defense, both military and civilian planners use a framework that divides military operations into six distinct phases. This type of framework may no longer have the utility it once enjoyed. This shift has less to do with technology changing the nature of war and more to do with how the United States differs from its adversaries in its understanding of war. Adversaries of the U.S. understand the state of the world to be one of conflict and competition and look to strategy to impose order through hierarchy. This article considers the Russian and Chinese approaches to the use of information in war and makes recommendations on how the U.S. might respond.

Qualifying the Information Sphere as a Domain


Neither the U.S. Department of Defense nor NATO has an official definition of a domain, nor a set of criteria for what constitutes a domain. The authors propose a definition of a domain, define what constitutes a domain, posit how new domains are created over time, and describe six features or criteria for how to qualify what is and is not a domain. These definitions lead to our proposal that the ‘Information Sphere’ (which includes cyberspace) qualifies as a new domain, with features both similar to and different from the four existing physical domains.

Educating and Training Soldiers for Information Operations


Military Training and Education is evolving because of the growing influence of Information Operations (IO) and Information Warfare (IW).  This influence has grown from the tremendous changes in both technology and social issues. Traditional military training has dealt with key elements such as operational concepts of war, doctrine and law; leadership; combat skills; weapons skills; and operating effectively under stress.

Network Operations and Warfare: Employing Effective Paradigms across Different Environments


Network Centric approaches feature strongly in the tactics of modern warfare. While the military have refined these paradigms into effective, applicable models, there is a scarcity of resources to assist enterprises employing these models in the commercial sphere. In the battle for information superiority, many competitive enterprises are struggling to adapt military models to achieve information superiority in a competitive business context.

Twitter as a Vector for Disinformation


Twitter is a social network that represents a powerful information channel with the potential to be a useful vector for disinformation. This paper examines the structure of the Twitter social network and how this structure has facilitated the passing of disinformation both accidental and deliberate. Examples of the use of Twitter as an information channel are examined from recent events. The possible effects of Twitter disinformation on the information sphere are explored as well as the defensive responses users are developing to protect against tainted information.

Journal of Information Warfare

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  • Journal of Information Warfare
  •  ArmisteadTEC
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  • Virginia Beach, VA 23455
