Situational Awareness

Framing the Awareness Required for Maritime Information Warfare Using Historic Information Science Literature


Defining Maritime Information Warfare (MIW) as truly a warfare domain implies a need for awareness of friendly and adversarial activities within the domain, with such awareness typically referred to as situational awareness (SA). Here, the components of SA in the MIW domain are clarified through a study of the historical information science literature. This study identified a conceptual model of information and its use. This model was then juxtaposed with the Royal Canadian Navy’s view of MIW. A cyber example illustrates that an extremely broad set of inputs are required for SA in MIW.

Deploying Software-Defined Networking in Operational Technology Environments


Software-Defined Networking for Operational Technologies, referred to as OT-SDN, is a leading technology to secure critical infrastructure and command and control systems. As the name implies, OT-SDN networks are programmable, which allows system owners to utilise the characteristics of their physical processes to inform the security of their network. There are best practices for deploying OT-SDN into an environment, whether it is all at once or over time (hybrid) that the network is converted to SDN technologies. Through the development of data-mining tools and standardised process control, OT SDN can be deployed reliably. These tools will minimise or eliminate any communication failures during the transition and will provide network owners with complete documentation of their network environment. The resulting documentation could enable or facilitate network owners to pass any audits or policy checks (such as Authority to Operate) before being allowed to utilise the OT-SDN infrastructure.

Enabling Situational Awareness in Operational Technology Environments through Software Defined Networkin


Network situational awareness has long been associated with the task of aggregating system logs to determine activity and events ongoing in the network. However, this current method of obtaining situational awareness does not clearly address the mission of a facility or organisation, the key customers at stake, and the real-time statuses of the critical infrastructures. 

Software-Defined Networking Traffic Engineering Process for Operational Technology Networks


Network designs are often functional with little consideration for security. Growth and maintenance of critical infrastructure, mission-focused networks can be ad hoc and can preclude large-scale technology replacements, reconfigurations,or even patching. These restrictions are contributing factors to increased vulnerabilities. 

Stewarding Situational Awareness and Highly Perishable Information


The aim is to examine the concept of ‘highly perishable information’, and how an individual security person (police, security guard or steward) in high-density crowds achieves situational awareness. The specific focus is on the perception level issues, identifying the typical barriers to achieving situational awareness for volunteer stewards.

The Future of Cyber Operations and Defense


National and economic security of most nations have become dependent on cyberspace. Protection of cyberspace will depend, in part, on successful cyber operations. Cyberspace is the domain in which these operations take place, and it is evolving rapidly, through increased use of virtualization and cloud services, ubiquitous mobility, and the integration of cyber systems into the physical world. To be successful in this future environment, cyber operations will need to be supported by more defensible systems, to be informed by a greater understanding of system state and threat actors, and to be more adaptive.

Changing the Future of Cyber-Situational Awareness


The proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices will change the face of cyber situational awareness from one focused on centralizing and homogenizing data feeds to one struggling to identify triggers from inordinate amounts of data. IoT devices, anticipated to grow to 20-40 billion by 2020, will both increase the potential visibility and granularity of cyber situational awareness and will significantly complicate the effort. The sheer increase in communications will raise the noise floor and will force more advanced analytics and data parsing to identify appropriate triggers. In addition to the influx of data and traffic, IoT devices also have the potential to introduce server security concerns to any network.

Journal of Information Warfare

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