Volume 5, Issue 3

Volume 5, Issue 3 Editorial

Stylized Image of the Word Editorial

November 2006

The last issue for 2006 includes a paper on propaganda, two on deception and another on the state of Belgian intelligence agencies. Taylor starts by outlining and critiquing the West’s propaganda effort after illustrating its past. A renowned expert in this area, it would be interesting to see some comments about his assertions from readers. In the first paper on deception Yuill, Denning, and Feer posit a model for deceptive hiding. The second paper on this topic is by Brumley, Kopp, and Korb who examine the orientation stage of the OODA loop and its relationship to deception and self-deception. Vanhorenbeeck closes this issue with an evaluation of Belgian and European intelligence services.

Strategic Communications and the Relationship Between Governmental ‘Information’ Activities in the Post 9/11 World


For most people, the word ‘propaganda’ conjures up all sorts of negative connotations – from brainwashing to dirty tricks to outright lying.  Theoretically, this is misguided.  However, although it is now probably too late in the day to attempt to strip away the negative connotations in the popular mind of this ‘P word’, nonetheless there is a need to first understand what propaganda actually is conceptually, and to understand how the word itself has acquired such a pejorative meaning, before examining what its contemporary alternative word descriptions (euphemisms) actually involve and mean.

Using Deception to Hide Things from Hackers: Processes, Principles, and Techniques


Deception offers one means of hiding things from an adversary.  This paper introduces a model for understanding, comparing, and developing methods of deceptive hiding.  The model characterizes deceptive hiding in terms of how it defeats the underlying processes that an adversary uses to discover the hidden thing.  An adversary’s process of discovery can take three forms: direct observation (sensing and recognizing), investigation (evidence collection and hypothesis formation), and learning from other people or agents.  Deceptive hiding works by defeating one or more elements of these processes.  The model is applied to computer security, and it is also applicable to other domains.

Causes and Effects of Perception Errors


This paper proposes that both Information Warfare attacks and non-intentional perception errors can be categorised as causes of misperception.  The causes of misperception are then analysed in the terms of Boyd’s OODA loop model to determine when they cause errors to occur.  The OODA loop model is then expanded to produce a theoretical model of the internal process of the Orientation step of the OODA loop.  One of these errors is then explained in greater detail with the new model.

Belgium’s Intelligence Community: New Challenges and Opportunities


Recently Belgium’s intelligence function has been heavily criticized, predominantly regarding its effectiveness and professionalism. Some voices have even gone as far as to propose abolishment of part of the intelligence community. This paper identifies why efficient intelligence gathering is more than ever a requirement for both the Belgian and European leadership. It reviews Belgium’s intelligence history and studies the roots of its criticisms. Instead of proposing intelligence ‘reform’, it identifies important parameters of how contemporary intelligence should be conducted, and how the intelligence services can adapt within the constraints that apply to them.

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