Volume 6 , Issue 2

Volume 6, Issue 2 Editorial

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Welcome to the second issue in the sixth volume of JIW. The papers show the depth and variety if the Information Operations discipline. The first paper by Shorer-Zeltser and Ben-Israel examines the web presence of three Diasporas, whilst Webb examines the equally modern phenomenon of Information Operations by terrorist groups. Edge et al. then examine the concept of ‘protection trees’ on the risk analysis of a system. The next paper by Kuusisto et al. looks at the implications of information flow priorities for inter-organizational crisis management. Al Mannai and Lewis propose a new definition of network risk, and this issue concludes with Maule and Gallup illustrating a simulation of the US Department of Defense supporting civilian authorities in time of crisis.

Religious Internet Networks and Mobilization to Terror


The current research is a part of a broader investigation on patterns of political involvement of Diaspora Internet communities. The study has compared the Internet content of three religious groups (Muslim, Jewish and Sikh) with an attempt to reveal certain cultural and religious codes that bring the potential terrorists to use the Internet as a tool for mobilization and coordination of their actions.

Information Terrorism in the New Security Environment


Over the years there have been many interpretations of what constitutes Information Terrorism. This paper reviews literature on Information Warfare and Terrorism to deduce what the threat of Information Terrorism is considered to be in the new security environment. This provides a deduced interpretation/definition of Information Terrorism, which is explained by outlining the threat itself, and its potential impact, capability and advantages. The positives that can be derived to counter it are then examined. The paper concludes with remarks that Information Terrorism is a major dynamic contributing to a new national security environment. 

Analyzing Security Measures for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Using Attack and Protection Trees


Attack trees are a method of conducting a risk analysis on a system. Protection trees are an extension to this methodology and are derived from attack trees and provide a means to allocate limited resources to defend against specific attacks.  Protection trees are produced systematically by first developing an attack tree, computing metrics for each node of an attack, and developing a corresponding protection tree with similar metrics.  In this paper, a generic Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is implemented and attack and protection trees are used to analyze the security of this network.

Information Flow Aspects of Inter-organizational Crisis Management


The aim of this article is to increase understanding about the implications of information flow priorities for inter-organizational crisis management. The article presents the main results of a prior study that addressed the information requirements of high-level decision-making activities during a sudden crisis situation. The study identified priorities of retrieved and delivered information flows from the perspectives of information content and information update frequency needs. The results provide novel insights into information flow priorities for decision-making in crisis management. They show the most effective information categories to prioritize for decision-making in the context of inter-organizational crisis management.

Minimizing Network Risk with Application to Critical Infrastructure Protection


The risk posed by natural disasters and terrorist attacks on critical infrastructure sectors such as the power grid, water supply, and telecommunication systems can be modeled by network risk. However, there is currently no definition of risk for a network. A new definition of network risk is proposed and applied to optimal allocation of a fixed budget such that network risk is minimized for two cost models: Linear and non-linear. It is shown that in both cases, risk minimization is achieved by ranking nodes and links according to their damage value and degree sequence. Furthermore, the critical nodes and links are identified as those with the highest allocation of funds.

TACFIRE Secure Virtual Workspaces for Dynamic Security in Defense Support to Civilian Authorities


A mission of the Department of Defense involves support to civilian authorities in times of national crisis.  Support often involves coordination with coalition partners.  The collective of DoD, civilian, and coalition partners creates a need for the capability to rapidly provision online, virtual workspaces where security can be controlled both centrally and by users.  A simulation is discussed in which 12 officers utilize TACFIRE – a comprehensive suite of XML web services that includes a personalized portal, email, chat, presence, instant messenger, and VoIP – with a secure virtual workspace capability that includes web conferences, threaded discussions, libraries, federated search, and task managers, for a Defense Support to Civilian Authorities (DSCA) scenario.  The simulation was modelled after the Naval Network Warfare Command Trident Warrior 06 experiment and in preparation for Trident Warrior 07.

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