A Cyber Counterintelligence Matrix for Outsmarting Your Adversaries

While Cyber CounterIntelligence (CCI) has been a distinctive specialisation field for state security structures internationally for well over a decade, recently there has been growing recognition of CCI’s significance to non-state actors. CCI is central to proactively mitigating cyber risk and exploiting opportunities. With the growing recognition of CCI’s significance comes an appreciation of its complexity. CCI is all about outthinking and outwitting adversaries. This article advances a conceptual matrix that can serve both as a high-level ‘pocket guide’ for outsmarting adversaries and as an aid to academic research.

Centre for Cyber Security, Academy of Computer Science and Software Engineering, University of Johannesburg
South Africa
Dr. Petrus Duvenage is an intelligence officer with extensive experience in various aspects of this profession. In the course of his career, he served as an officer in the South African armed forces and in the intelligence services. He holds, in his personal capacity, a Senior Research Fellowship at the Academy for Computer Science and Software Engineering, University of Johannesburg. He has a PhD from the University of Pretoria and a PhD from the University of Johannesburg.

Centre for Cyber Security Academy of Computer Science and Software Engineering University of Johannesburg
South Africa
Victor Jaquire has been within the field of cyber and information security for over 20 years within government and the private sector focusing on strategy, performance management and operations. He holds an Honours Degree in Management from Henley University and a master’s and PhD in Informatics from the University of Johannesburg - specialising in strategies for cyber counterintelligence maturity and the security of cyberspace. He has published various academic papers on cyber strategies and cyber counterintelligence maturity. His professional certifications include CISSP, CISM and CCISO.

Centre for Cyber Security, Academy of Computer Science and Software Engineering, University of Johannesburg
South Africa
Professor Sebastian von Solms is a Research Professor in the Academy for Computer Science and Software Engineering at the University of Johannesburg. The Director of the Centre for Cyber Security at the University of Johannesburg, an Associate Director of the Global Cybersecurity Capacity Centre of the University of Oxford (UK), He serves on the Word Ecomoic Forum’s Global Council on Cybersecurity and is a Past President of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). Prof. von Solms specialises in research and consultancy in the area of Information and Cyber Security, Critical Information Infrastructure Protection, Cyber Crime and other related cyber aspects. He had written and presented more than 150 papers in these fields--most of which have been presented at international research conferences and/or published in international subject journals. In addition, he has supervised more than 120 postgraduate students in the ICT field.
Published In
Journal of Information Warfare
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