Volume 10, Issue 2

Volume 10, Issue 2 Editorial

Stylized Image of the Word Editorial


Welcome to the second issue of JIW for 2011 and the 29th issue overall. The Journal of Information Warfare is committed to an involvement in the wider discipline of information warfare and information operations. This issue considers a range of issues relating to Information Warfare.

Building an Improved Taxonomy for IA Education Resources in PRISM


To address a perceived lack of availability of educational resources for students and educators in the field of information assurance, Regis University and the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) have begun development of a web portal to store and make available to the public information security-related educational materials.  The portal is named the Public Repository for Information Security Materials (PRISM).  In this paper, we begin with a review of the initial vision for PRISM.  We then discuss the development and maintenance of a deterministic discipline-specific vocabulary, along with the results of mapping curricular content to our initial set of terms.  Out of the eight material descriptions used in our evaluation, five could be clearly mapped to the initial vocabulary, one could partially be mapped, and three did not contain any clearly mappable terms.   

Catch Me If You Can: Cyber Anonymity


Advances in network security and litigation have empowered and enabled corporations to conduct Internet and desktop surveillance on their employees and customers, while Governments have spent billions to monitor cyberspace to include entering agreements with corporations to provide surveillance data on adversarial groups, competitors, and citizenry (Reuters, 2010).  Although the initial intent of network and Internet monitoring may be honourable; terrorists, hackers, and cyber-criminals already have access to the necessary tools and methodologies to continue in their activities unabated.  This paper will demonstrate a step-by-step case study using a ‘paranoid’ approach to remaining anonymous using only open-source tools.

15 Meters/11 Seconds


Some past terrorist attacks have illustrated that in the final moments before the attack happened, some people recognised the attacker and reacted, while others simply ignored them. Modelling these events requires an analysis recognising how ‘some people with high situational awareness will be influenced by other people’, and that some people (the terrorist attacker) are sufficiently adept at creating deception, outwitting perception, or vice versa. These two features underpin the key moments prior to a terrorist attack. Modelling this in the context of a terrorist attack requires a new form of granular analysis. This is called the ’15 meters/11 seconds’ model, and is the title of the research project modelled in this paper. It is a terrorist attack scenario examined as a time/action study of the immediate minutes and seconds leading up to a terrorist attack (as well as including the following events). Out of this analysis, ground rules are established for modelling an approach to the problem, in order to better develop possible evacuation strategies in public places, such as rail stations.

Cyber Strategy and the Law of Armed Conflict


At its Lisbon Summit (November 2010), NATO has adopted its Strategic Concept.  In the U.S., Cyberstrategy is laid out in the President's International Strategy for Cyberspace (POTUS 2011) and the Department of Defense's Strategy for Operating in Cyberspace (U.S. DoD 2011).  These strategy documents will contribute to a growing policy consensus regarding cyber security and defence as well as provide better policy insights regarding cyber offence.  In doing so, they will contribute to a better understanding of how NATO and the U.S. want to prepare for, and conduct cyber warfare in a manner congruent with the law of armed conflict.  In addition, they will determine to what extent this branch of the law needs to be better understood, developed, or reformed.  Accordingly, this paper indicates how the existing legal and policy frameworks intersect with practical aspects of cyber warfare and associated intelligence activities, analyses how the new strategy documents develop and change the existing policy framework, and what repercussions this may have for the interpretation and application of the law of armed conflict.  It also demonstrates how the new strategy documents inform the policy and legal discourse and hence help confirm that NATO and U.S. as well as other NATO Nations' cyber activities are, and will continue to be, lawful and legitimate.

International Legal Issues and Approaches Regarding Information Warfare


The purpose of this analysis is to point out a few issues regarding the compatibility between international legal provisions on armed conflict and the new forms of warfare that the evolution of information technology enables nowadays.

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  • Journal of Information Warfare
  •  ArmisteadTEC
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