South Korea’s Options in Responding to North Korean Cyberattacks

North Korea has increasingly mounted cyberattacks against South Korea. This paper first examines the dramatic differences between North and South Korea in cyberspace and the history of North Korean cyberattacks. Most of these attacks are easy to attribute for three reasons: they often come from addresses known to be used by North Korea; they often occur on Korean anniversaries; and they often use similar methods and attack code. In this article, the authors discuss possible responses by South Korea. Responses to these attacks begin with invoking international law and imposing sanctions. Next, South Korea can strengthen its defences by improving coordination between the government and the private sector. Finally, South Korea could, justifiably, launch counterattacks.

Republic of Korea Air Force
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Major Jimin Park, Republic of Korea Airforce, is a Cyber Intel-Ops Officer assigned to ROK Cyber Command. His previous assignments have included the 37th Air Intelligence Group, and serving as an Intel-Ops Officer and an Intel-Watch Officer at Osan AFB with the U.S. 7th Airforce. In 2007, he went to Ali Al Salem AFB in Kuwait with the U.S. Central Command and the 386th Expeditionary Wing as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom. He earned a master’s degree in computer science from the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School.

U.S. Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, California, U.S.A.
Dr. Neil C. Rowe is a professor of computer science at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School (Monterey, CA, USA) where he has been since 1983. He earned a doctorate in computer science from Stanford University (1983). His main research interests are data mining, digital forensics, modelling of deception, and cyber warfare.

U.S. Army
Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
Captain Maribel Cisneros, United States Army, is a Military Intelligence Officer assigned to the U.S. Army Cyber Command. She was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Military Intelligence Branch in 2007, and has served as Assistant S1, Platoon Leader, Company
Executive Officer, Battalion S2, and Company Commander. She deployed multiple times to USSOUTHCOM as a Mission Manager and Battle Captain, and to USCENTCOM as Task Force OIC. She earned a master’s degree in computer systems and operations from the Naval Postgraduate School and a master’s degree in management and leadership from Webster University.
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Journal of Information Warfare
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