Developing an Academic Curriculum in Information Operations: The First Steps

Increasingly the realm of Information Operations (IO) and Cyber Warfare are seen as crucial to the success of the Department of Defense’s ability to conduct military missions, yet the training and education efforts associated with these areas are often disjointed and uncoordinated. Whilst a large number of universities have developed more specialized Information Assurance (IA) or computer security programs, the broader aspects of IO are still not seen as worthy of study by the academic community. In this paper, the authors outline the need for an academic response to develop a better methodology of an Information Operations Education program, to include research and recommendations for future efforts to develop standards and metrics in the IO training and education realm.

Informatics Research Institute, National Information Assurance Training & Education Center Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho,
Dr Corey D. Schou is the University Professor of Informatics and the Associate Dean of the College of Business at Idaho State University. He has been involved in establishing computer security and information assurance training and standards for 25 years.

Institute of International and European Affairs, Dublin
Johnny Ryan is a Senior Researcher at the Institute of International and European Affairs. He recently published a book on this subject Countering Militant Islamist Radicalisation on the Internet: a user driven strategy to recover the web, Institute of International and European Affairs, Dublin.

Peregrine Technical Solutions, LLC Yorktown, VA
Dr. Leigh Armistead is the President of Peregrine Technical Solutions, a certified 8(a) small business that specializes in cyber security, and the Chief Editor of the Journal of Information Warfare. He graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy (1984), earned a master’s degree in Military History from Old Dominion University (1993), and a doctorate in Computer and Information Science from Edith Cowan University (2009). His major field of study is cyber power. He has published three books—all of which focus on the full spectrum of information warfare. He founded the International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, and the Vice-Chair Working Group 9.10–ICT Uses in Peace and War. He is a retired Naval officer.
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Journal of Information Warfare
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