Information Superiority & Support: Misplaced & Misunderstood

The Australian Defence Force has recently released "an important benchmark in [their] approach to harnessing the power and opportunity presented by the information age" (DoD, 2004, p i) and is seeking “active participation in the implementation and further refinement of the concept” " (DoD, 2004, p i). Entitled "A Concept for Enabling Information Superiority & Support" (herein referred to as the IS&S Concept Paper), the document sets out to describe in detail how the Australian Defence Force will achieve the information related objectives of Network Centric Warfare (DoD, 2004) that will in-turn facilitate the conduct of Multi-Dimensional Manoeuvre - The Australian Defence Force's Future Warfighting Concept.
This paper is the first of a two-part treatise, that examines the IS&S Concept Paper in relation to the Australian and United States approaches to Network Centric Warfare. This piece examines Section One and Two and argues that there is a number of fundamental problems contained in the Australian approach that, if not rectified, may obstruct efforts to attain a truly network centric force.

Senior Network Centric Warfare Strategist, Ball Solutions Group, Canberra
Cameron Wells works as a consultant and has over 17 years experience in C4IRSEW operations, maintenance, systems engineering and, research and development. He was awarded a Conspicuous Service Cross in 1999 for outstanding achievements in the development of OTHR Surveillance Operations and holds a Masters Degree in Information Security & Intelligence. Cameron's research interests include Network Centric Warfare, Information Warfare Effects Based Operations, and their impact on Battlespace Management Command & Control.
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Journal of Information Warfare
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