Reflections on Information Age Air Warfare

The information age has produced some profound shifts in military power, and nowhere has this been more apparent than in the domain of air power. A digitized air force represents the most pronounced case study of the impact of information technology and networking on achievable combat effect. This paper will explore the defining relationships in information age air warfare, from the dual perspectives of function and resistance to an opponent’s use of information warfare strategies. The importance of Moore’s Law and sensor apertures in information gathering is discussed, the relationship between Boyd’s OODA loop, Metcalfe’s Law and Amdahl’s Law is explored for large military systems, and the relationships between the linear and lateral evolutionary potential of combat aircraft and their future utility is studied.

Clayton School of Information Technology, Monash University
Carlo Kopp, MIEEE, MAIAA, PEng Carlo attended the University of Western Australia , and graduated in Electrical Engineering with First Class Honours, in 1984. He completed a research Masters in Computer Science in 1996, and a PhD in 1999 at Monash University in Melbourne. His other research interests include air warfare strategy, doctrine and information warfare. Carlo maintains his registration as a professional engineer.
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Journal of Information Warfare
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