AI as a Tool of Hybrid Warfare: Challenges and Responses

“Artificial Intelligence is the new revolution, the one who leads in AI - will be the ruler of the world.” – Vladimir Putin The evolution of emerging technologies has entered a revolutionary phase. Artificial intelligence is the key factor behind this revolution. Managing complex network algorithms and machine learning are applications of AI. The use of these applications to run different affairs has provided a giant leap towards modernity and progress. However, along with its use for social progress, there is also a negative aspect attached to Artificial Intelligence (AI). While AI could enable several military innovations, it is not a military innovation itself. AI has a serious impact on future warfare, especially hybrid warfare. All the five features of hybrid warfare (synergy, ambiguity, asymmetry, innovative disruption, and the battle over psychology) will receive a strategic modality with the use of AI for a Multi Capability Development Campaign (MCDC). This research will explore the potential use of AI as a tool of hybrid warfare. Practicing AI in asymmetric warfare can be lethal, as it could lead to complete disruption, a hijack upon every domain of life. It has the power to cripple the economy, institutions, and overall social system of the target state. It is necessary to provide an immediate response to this imminent threat in the form of international laws and organizations, which could regulate the covert misuse of AI.

Department of Defense and Strategic Studies
Quaid-I-Azam University
Islamabad, Pakistan
Humais Sheikh has a Master's degree from the Department of Defense and Strategic Studies, Quaid-I-Azam University, Islamabad. He has worked in different think tanks with top military officials, defense and political analysts. His area of interests include artificial intelligence, big data, and nuclear command and control.
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Journal of Information Warfare
The definitive publication for the best and latest research and analysis on information warfare, information operations, and cyber crime. Available in traditional hard copy or online.
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