Security Dimension of IT in Developing Countries: Risks and Challenges

In the present paper we discuss security aspects of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) from developing countries perspective. Specifically, we present and discuss our study done in Tanzania. We start by discussing the extents of computers and computer systems use and network connectivity, followed by level of IT security awareness and the country policies in relation to ICT implementations. Then we highlight various risks and challenges within the context and finally, we discuss some of the remedial steps and actions that are being taken to deal with the situations.

PhD Student, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV), Stockholm University/Royal Institute of Technology
Respickius Casmir is a PhD student at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV). He started doing research in Information and Communication Systems Security field in 2001. He recently successfully defended his degree of Licentiate of Philosophy with specialization in IT Security Education. Respickius is also an employee of the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. His other area of specialization is IT Security Management. Before switching to IT security career, he was working as a network engineer.

Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV), Stockholm University/Royal Institute of Technology
Louise Yngström has been engaged in research and education in IT security with her department since 1985. She is a pioneer in interdisciplinary holistic IT security education, Research interests, apart from security curricula and education, are security issues related to society and organisations. Previous research areas were IR- systems and computer aided instruction. She is a member of several IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing) working groups related to her interests and the Swedish national representative to IFIP TC 11. In her department, she is the director of SecLab and the director of PhD studies.
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Journal of Information Warfare
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