South Africa and the Cyber Security Dilemma

With the rise of cyberattack as an instrument of state power, researchers are translating the international relations theory of the Security Dilemma into the cyber-domain, referred to as the Cyber Security Dilemma. Currently South Africa is expanding its national cyber-security posture under the mandate of the National Cybersecurity Policy Framework and the Cybercrimes Bill, which involve the growth of cyber-security capabilities for the military. This article applies concepts of the Cyber Security Dilemma to the South African international relations contexts, assessing relative strengths and the possibility of a dilemma occurring in cyberspace.

University of KwaZulu-Natal Durban,
South Africa
Dr. Brett van Niekerk is a senior lecturer in information technology at the Durban University of Technology. He serves as chair for the International Federation of Information Processing Working Group on ICT in Peace and War, and is the co-Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism. He has numerous years of information/cybersecurity experience in both academia and industry and has contributed to the ISO/IEC information security standards. In 2012, he graduated with his PhD focusing on information operations and critical infrastructure protection. He is also holds a MSC in electronic engineering and is CISM certified.
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Journal of Information Warfare
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