Should ‘RuNet 2020’ Be Taken Seriously? Contradictory Views about Cyber Security Between Russia and the West

Russia aims to create an independent state information system that ensures the network’s overall stability by controlling the Internet routing architecture inside Russia. A tightly regulated and secure ‘information space’ will not only ensure stronger defence against external attacks, but also increase offensive capabilities. This paper asks if the Western perspective that observes cyberspace and cyber security from an ‘open’ and ‘shared’ viewpoint is missing something. The author argues that understanding the new Russian threats to cyber security requires an acknowledgement of the essential differences between Russia and the West.

Information Technology Division, Cyber Defence Finnish Defence Research Agency, Riihimäki,
Dr. Mari Ristolainen is a Researcher at the Finnish Defence Research Agency. She has studied psychology at the Moscow State University and she earned a doctorate in Russian Language and Cultural Studies from the University of Joensuu in 2008. She has been conducting postdoctoral research in the field of Russian and Border Studies in several Academy of Finland- and EU-funded projects at the University of Eastern Finland and at the University of Tromso. Her current research interests include cyber warfare as a phenomenon, Russian digital sovereignty, and the governance of cyber/information space.
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Journal of Information Warfare
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