The Need for Digital Identity in Cyberspace Operations

Digital identity is an online or networked identity in cyberspace for an individual, organization, or entity to uniquely describe a person or a thing and contains information about the entity’s relationships. A critical challenge in cybersecurity and cyberspace operations is knowing with whom or what one is defending. Currently, it can be difficult to accurately determine the identity of a person or entity in cyberspace. A unified and verified identification system for each entity or component of an IT system is needed. This paper will identify the challenges and opportunities that digital identity technologies introduce for cybersecurity and cyberspace operations.

Information Assurance Directorate National Security Agency
Mr. Arthur R. Friedman, Senior Strategist for Cyber Integration serves as the Information Assurance Directorate’s (IAD) integree in the NSA Cyber Task Force (CTF), representing the interests of the IAD. He is responsible for advising CTF leadership of potential issues and ongoing activities of immediate or long-term interest. His current focus is supporting the development of information sharing strategies and policy, efforts related to cyber risk mitigation, and technologies supporting Active Cyber Defense capabilities. Mr. Friedman graduated from Hofstra University in 1979 with a Bachelor’s degree majoring in Mathematics, Boston University in 1983 with a Master’s degree in Business Administration, and the Army War College in 2005 with a Master’s degree in Strategic Studies.

Information Assurance Directorate National Security Agency
Dr. Larry D. Wagoner has served in a variety of technical and/or analytic organizations within the National Security Agency. Before coming to the Information Assurance Directorate (IAD) of NSA, Dr. Wagoner worked primarily in the Signals Intelligence and Research Directorates. He has a B.A. in Mathematics and Economics with specialization in Computer Science, plus a Certificate in Systems Analysis & Operations Research; an M.S. in Computer Science, as well as minors in Operations Research and Applied Mathematics; and a Ph.D. in Computer Science. All of the aforementioned degrees were earned at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC).
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Journal of Information Warfare
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