Volume 12, Issue 2 Editorial

29 JULY 2013
The Journal of Information Warfare (JIW) is turning a new page. We are moving forward with a new staff that retains the best of the past, present, and future of our field. My name is Leigh Armistead and I am the new chief editor for JIW, having received my PhD in IW from Edith Cowan University and published three books, which focus on cyber warfare.
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I am committed to the standards and mission of the journal’s original founders, and so for that reason, I am also very excited to announce that Dr. Bill Hutchinson has agreed to continue his involvement with the journal in the capacity of deputy editor. As many of you know, Bill founded this journal 15 years ago, and his continued participation will help the new staff sustain and build upon the journal’s well-established tradition of excellence, at the same time it ensures that the publication stays focused on its original intent—namely, to deliver high quality, highly technical papers on cutting edge IW and Cyber Warfare topics.
In addition to securing Dr. Hutchinson’s continued involvement, the JIW staff will sustain its focus on the journal’s initial objective and its commitment to its readership in three additional ways. First, we will maintain our already-close link with the academic IW conferences to ensure that JIW readers are among the first to gain access to the newest and most exciting academic and technical articles in the field. Secondly, we are in the process of standing up a new website to facilitate the sharing of academic, operational, strategic and tactical information in areas such as IA, IO, Cyber Security and Warfare. Finally, the staff of JIW is determined to increase the journal’s publication schedule. As a result, we will be publishing the journal four times a year (instead of three), with a planned eight papers per issue. We are pleased to be able to provide this additional content, a 33% increase, at the same, low subscription rate now in place.
As we move forward, we are asking you to help us spread the word about the changes and initiatives and improvements being put in place. If you have colleagues who might be interested in or already considering subscribing to our esteemed journal, let them know that now is the best time to get on board. Meanwhile, we look forward to working closely with you in the future as JIW continues its tradition of excellence, builds upon its record of success, and confirms its place among the best of the best publications in our field.
L. Armistead

Peregrine Technical Solutions, LLC Yorktown, VA
Dr. Leigh Armistead is the President of Peregrine Technical Solutions, a certified 8(a) small business that specializes in cyber security, and the Chief Editor of the Journal of Information Warfare. He graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy (1984), earned a master’s degree in Military History from Old Dominion University (1993), and a doctorate in Computer and Information Science from Edith Cowan University (2009). His major field of study is cyber power. He has published three books—all of which focus on the full spectrum of information warfare. He founded the International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, and the Vice-Chair Working Group 9.10–ICT Uses in Peace and War. He is a retired Naval officer.
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Journal of Information Warfare
The definitive publication for the best and latest research and analysis on information warfare, information operations, and cyber crime. Available in traditional hard copy or online.
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