Shaping the ‘Information Space’

Perception Management is a key component of Information Operations. This article presents a taxonomy of Perception Management, which is seen as comprising five principal sub-elements: Public Affairs, Public Diplomacy, Psychological Operations, Deception, and Covert Action. While these are traditional activities, the author argues that they generally have not been employed well and in a synergistic fashion by the Western Powers since the Second World War. The article suggests an approach to foreign political-military challenges in terms of ‘Shaping the Information Space’ as an organising principle of policy and the application of power in the international arena. In order to undertake such an enterprise, the Allied nations require improved understanding of the psychology of adversaries and neutrals, as well as one’s own friends and allies.

Joint Military Intelligence Training Centre, Washington, DC
Douglas H. Dearth is Course Director and Senior Instructor at both the Joint Military Intelligence Training Center in Washington, DC, and the Defence Intelligence and Security School at Chicksands, United Kingdom. He is contributing co-editor, with Alan D. Campen, of the Cyberwar book series published by AFCEA International Press. He lectures on national security issues in the North America, the United Kingdom, and Western Europe. Mr. Dearth is a Board Member of the Journal on Information Warfare.
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Journal of Information Warfare
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