Matthew Canham

Graphic photo of Dr. Matthew Canham

Chief Executive Officer, Beyond Layer Seven,
United States
School of Modeling Simulation and Training, University of Central Florida,
Orlando, FL, USA

Dr. Matthew Canham is the CEO of Beyond Layer Seven, a company dedicated to understanding and addressing the human element in cybersecurity. Prior to his current role, Dr. Canham was a research professor with the behavioral cybersecurity program at the University of Central Florida. His research work focuses on human susceptibility to mis-dis-mal (MDM) information operations and remote online social engineering attacks. Dr. Canham’s research has been funded by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and the U.S. Army Futures Command. Dr. Canham previously served as a Special Agent with the FBI, during which he investigated cybercrime, intellectual property theft, and other violations of federal law. He holds a PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience from the University of California at Santa Barbara, and he is a certified digital forensics examiner and mobile device security analyst.


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  • Journal of Information Warfare
  •  ArmisteadTEC
  • Dr Leigh Armistead, President
  • 1624 Wakefield Drive
  • Virginia Beach, VA 23455
