Joobin Choobineh

Department of Information and Operations Management Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Joobin Choobineh’s (B.S., MBA, Ph.D. U. of Arizona) research areas include Management Information Systems and their security, Business Database Systems, and Systems Analysis and Design. He has authored or been a coauthor of more than fifty (50) articles that have appeared in journals and conference proceedings such as (in alphabetical order) Annals of Operations Research, Communications of the ACM, Communications of the AIS, Database Engineering, Computers & Security, Decision Support Systems, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Information and Management, Information Strategy, Information Systems, Information Systems Management, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Intl. J. Of Operations & Production Management, J. of Database Management, J. of Management Information Systems, Omega, and The Database for Advances in Information Systems. He has served as the chair of 8 and committee member of 11 Ph.D. students. Dr. Choobineh is currently an Associate Editor of INFORMS Journal on Computing and serves on the editorial board of the International Journal of Business Information Systems.
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