Anthony Keane

Photo of Dr. Anthony Keane

School of Informatics and Engineering

Institute of Technology Blanchardstown

Dublin, Ireland

Dr. Anthony Keane is currently the Head of Department of Informatics at the Institute of Technology in Blanchardstown (ITB). He is also a principle investigator in the Security Research Lab, located in the Learning & Innovation Centre in ITB where he has several master and doctoral research students working with industrial partners such as IBM, Dell, BH-Consulting, and Rits. Dr. Keane’s main research areas cover Network and Cyber Security, Digital and Cloud Forensics, Internet Safety, and Cyber Bullying. Dr. Keane has a BSc (Physics) from University College Galway (1986), an MSc from University College London (1992) and PhD (Astrophysics) from University College Dublin (1997). 

Before joining the Institute of Technology Blanchardstown in 1999, Dr. Keane worked as a computer consultant and software engineer in London and as a research assistant in the Cosmic Physics Section of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS). Currently serving as a board member of InfoSecurity Ireland (ISI), IRISS, and the Irish Chapter of the Cloud Security Alliance, Dr. Keane is a Fellow of the Irish Computer Society and member of the Third Level Computer Forum. As an Irish academic contact for the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA), he has helped organize events in security awareness and training, funded through the EU.

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  • Journal of Information Warfare
  •  ArmisteadTEC
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  • Virginia Beach, VA 23455
